
News and Frequently Asked Questions will be posted below.

What is the use of this website?

The use of this website is to track the statistics of players, this includes their skills and activities. Unlike the official leaderboards, the statistics will be tracked over time rather than a current snapshot.

How do I use it?

You can add your username to the list of players to track on the "Add Player" page. Once you add your username, the website will track it on the next run of statistic retrievals from the official scoreboard API.

What if I update my username?

If you update your username, you can request a username modification using the "Modify Username" page. I will manually verify each request since there is no way to officially check or verify username changes. The process will be done by comparing the statistics of the old username with the current statistics of the new username.

How often will my statistics update?

Statistics are pulled from the official API approximately every 6 hours.

What kind of limitations are there?

Unfortunately, the official API does not include when there is a change to the API response, nor is there a way to automate adding statistics when this happens as they do not include the statistic names in the response. This means that statistics will not be updated after they update the leaderboard until I catch that it has been updated and add the updated statistic manually.